Thursday, October 10, 2024

I'm still here!! A MAJOR Update with the 2021 to 2024 Holiday Barbies

Hey! I'm still here!!

Sorry about the large gap of time between posts. I know it's been almost 4 years with no update but as most of you know, the world went a a little crazy between Covid, the Presidency and just in general.

Obviously, the world changed drastically after Covid.  No more 24 hour Wal-Mart's, Drive thru movie theaters are back in full force and Door Dash along with grocery deliveries are almost essential ways of handling the world these days.
There is no exception here in my own house, we may have even had a bit more going on.  My stepsons, both of them, came to live with me after both a tragedy where their biological mother died of breast cancer in early 2021 and my eldest stepson actually ran here to escape abuse from a grandmother.  My focus was therefore -elsewhere.

I still collected however, I just couldn't find the time to come here and update everything for everyone else and I apologize for that but I finally found some time, and the energy to write up a post here and update both the collection and check list page.
My daughter, whom I started this collection for in the first place, will be graduating this coming year.  She is aiming to be a Forensic Technician and, hopefully one day, our county Coroner.  Her inspiration came when we lost her father, not to death, but to the justice system.  He was wrongly arrested and pressured into a deal and there is no recourse in our area and there is no grand jury to decide whether the arrest is even valid.  Just one cop and an affidavit of probable cause for arrest.

Long story - short, their father was abused himself as a child but the very person who was also abusing his eldest son, his adoptive mother.  When he tried to tell people, she began making up accusations of child abuse and calling child services.  It was the 33rd call that finally broke him and attempted suicide by cop.

I know this may come as a shock to many, as most of my posts are trying to remain positive, but we've found the truth, all cards on the table, is the best method to deal with this situation. 

Basically what he did was he told the police that he was a child abuser in an attempt to get them to harm him.  They did end up cracking his skull open and by a miracle, he survived (a guard bashed his head off the wall)  Staples in his head and myself and our children being interrogated, we told the truth, but the detective who wrote up that affidavit was accusing us of lying because, at the time, his eldest son was accusing him of abuse.  No one wants to believe a child can lie about those things.  It is not common, but it sadly does happen and this is one of those times unfortunately.

Under the threat of having myself or our children gone after by police, he signed a deal so they'd leave his family alone. He said he would do anything to protect us and he basically gave his life.

3 Years later in 2022, after their mother had been gone over a year, my eldest stepson turned 18 and came running to my house.  He explained to us that he was told over the years that his father was a bad man and that lying about abuse, would protect his siblings, and this is why he did it, because he thought the lies would protect his siblings.  It wasn't until he was older that he realized his father wasn't what the 'adoptive' grandmother was telling him, and that she was the actual abuser.  She had abused him too over the years the same as she did his father.  She encouraged and used drugs with him, would threaten him, take everything away and gas light him.  She'd tell him that if he told anyone that he'd lie, that he'd be going to jail as well, so he was scared into silence.  Even the day he was to testify against his father, the District Attorney couldn't get him to come out of the car to go into the courtroom.  The DA stated the judge he believed he was afraid of his father.  He has since relieved that he was actually afraid of the grandmother.  He stated that the entire ride to the court house she was instructing him on what to say.  He became very frustrated with her because he was trying to get his own story straight in his head and he felt she was going to confuse him with adding more to this story.  He said he had yelled at her "I will say what I'm going to say!" But when he got there, he realized he wasn't going to be able to pull off the story he'd made up and stated to me and other officers and child service agents "I wouldn't go in because I knew I was going to mess up the story and I was afraid, when I did that, I wasn't going to make it home alive.  I thought she was going to kill me,"

His father is now in with Project Innocence and is going through the Appeals.

This was extremely traumatizing to all the children, especially my step children.  Not only did they have this monster of a grandmother, but their biological mother was also incredibly abusive to them to the point where they have C-PTSD and Reactive Attachment Disorder along with Borderline Personality Disorder.  For those who know the severity of those conditions, they are very hard to break.  My youngest stepson I had to have committed to a treatment facility that specializes in trauma care because he reacts violently to almost anything.  On top of covid and all of this, my hand was broken and my nose when I'd step between him and the other children so I've had surgeries and needed time to heal.

I also am best friends with the aunt of Pauly Likens Jr, who was brutally and sensely murdered this past June.  Despite what you may have read in the papers, Pauly was actually a Gay teenager who was very feminine.  Most people jumped to calling him a transgender girl but Pauly said he was just gay and liked girl things, not that he identified as a girl.  It's sad because he was 14 years old and many people made assumptions about the murder including calling it a hate crime.  In truth Dashawn Watkins was nothing more than a pedophile who used the app Grindr to lure little Pauly out to the boat docks to assault and then kill him, so I've been staying close with the family, as they are very good people, and trying to help them through this emotionally, especially my friend and her brother, who was the father of Pauly.  I've also attended the murderer's preliminary hearing and directly know all of this to be truth of what I'm sharing, from the DA herself (Acker is not he lead DA in this case despite his statements, it is a woman leading the prosecution).

Through all of these things going on, it inspired my daughter in a way that I am very proud of her, where she wants to do some good an help families out with getting the truth of what happened with their loved ones and get justice - the right way - through the truth and nothing but the truth.

And brings up my next point - getting back to the Barbies from 2021 to 2024 - You may notice that in the updates the Barbies are no longer labeled as "AA" or African America / Auburn or Latino.  Mattel has decided label the barbies based on their face designs, which have names.

So the Blonde barbie is now called "Millie"
The African American barbie is called "Desiree or Adria"
The Latino barbie kept the name "Teresa"
The Asian or Brunette was given the name "Crystal"

And finally  the Auburn version, which has been the exclusive one released for the last decade it feels, doesn't have a name.  She's simply labeled as "New Generation Girl"   But that's not to say that she won't eventually have a name as well, I'm sure she will after some time.

But if you go through the updated list, you will notice that that is how they are listed now.

Prices also haven't changed for the majority of them.  Now with easy access on Amazon, you can still get the older versions.  How long they'll keep them selling I guess depends on what is available.  I'm sure one day they'll stop but for now, you can still look for them on Amazon at about the same price they were when they were on the shop years ago :)

I hope this update helps, I apologize if it wasn't as pleasant as my normal updates are, but again, honestly is best.

My business, "Little Home Mades" is still up and running and on top of the Baby Shower items, now we have many custom plaques for families and ornaments as well as everyday fun decor items!  Feel free to message me anytime there as well! 

Thank you for taking the time to read our update here! Much appreciated to those who keep checking up on us! You inspired us to make this update and keep things rolling!

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

2020 Holiday Barbie Release


Just like everyone else, the Pandemic has had a huge affect on me and my family as well.

To be completely honest I almost forgot about my collection and that tends to happen when your own business sinks to near oblivion.  Concerns over your collection seem irrelevant when you're trying to figure out how to stay safe.

But thankfully, even though the pandemic hasn't ended, we have found a way to keep going in our new 'normal'.  A nice way to think about it is Covid 19 has put time back into our hands and even a chance to find a good deal.

I know many have even taken up selling parts of their collection to those who are still looking to add to theirs and the deals don't disappoint.  I personally would like to thank those who have chosen to sell their prized collection pieces to those who are still looking to complete their set because it made it a lot less stressful for those looking for the gems to complete their collection

But to get to the point of this post, this gem, is a golden gem.  I know some artists believe that this design is lacking but frankly I'm glad for the new look.

Usually we are treated to the classic Christmas colors of Red White and Green, with a touch of Gold but this time, it's all Gold.


This design really stands out with the year 2020 itself.  When I look at my collection, these pop out significantly which I haven't seen since the 2009 bright signature pink addition.  I'm also adoring the AA's hair style which is so different than previous years.

I'd recommend that if you can, add this one to your collection.  Due to everyone being short this year, splurging on these beauties isn't going to be so big like in previous years but that's good news to collectors because that means they won't be over saturated in the market and may carry the same value close to the early 2000s or 1990s versions, maybe even more so because it's unique year as well.

You can find them anywhere, I ordered all of mine from Wal-Mart personally but they're also available at Target or many other stores, there are no exclusive shops to one design or the other.

Certainly things have changed, many stores have come and gone too and we are all just flowing through the times.  I hope this post will serve as a little glimmer of hope that life is still going on and we can find our way through these dark times and still come out shining.

I've recently started back hunting full force for this collection and hope to complete it sooner than later and will update the main lists with the 2020 collection pieces!

Happy hunting!

Saturday, September 28, 2019

2019 Holiday Barbie Release!

Just when you thought you were over Summer, Christmas kick started back up!

I'm sure many of you have noticed, as have I, that big super stores like Wal-Mart have been making it a habit to shove every Holiday down your throat the minute school shopping ends.  In one aisle you have Halloween, then Thanksgiving, and in the Garden Section Christmas is everywhere along with their signs to encourage Holiday layaway...

But that's not all! The Holiday Barbies for 2019 are on the shelf waiting to be collected!

That's right, it is that time to add to the collection!

However, if you're looking for that 'special' release, the Teresa version, you will have to visit your local JCPenny's or Target as they're the only ones carrying it at this time.

It is a wonder this year, after loosing so many big box stores, that they're still finding a way to limit that special version to one store but Mattel has managed it! So grab yours ASAP before they're gone this year again.

She is a beautiful traditional red wine and white color style dress that mimics a typical candy cane, making her the perfect new addition before the next decade arrives! 

We will be updating our list here shortly with all the info that we have 
collected so feel free to check her out!

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

2018 Holiday Barbie Release!

I know it has been awhile since we updated here but we wanted to give some time for the release of the 2018 Holiday Barbie!  There were so many different rumors, we didn't want to jump the gun but now we have an official release AND it's available in stores today!

3 Different versions, including a Teresa this year!

And what's striking me, and probably what through me off at all the ideas this year, is the dress is strikingly familiar to the very first release, the 1988... but then again, it makes sense as it is the 30th anniversary for the Happy Holiday Barbies! We've also updated the main list with the new additions so look forward to that as well!

Friday, December 22, 2017

It's that Time of the Year! SALE TIME!

Still looking for this year's Holiday Barbie?  How about last years?  Did you know they're both still available on Kmart's websites as well as the Barbie Collector website?

I've even seen some of the 2015 Holiday Barbies available on Wal-Mart.  If you've missed out grabbing these Holiday Barbies, this is the best time of the year to grab them for a great price.

As the Holiday's are coming up, Sales begin.  As I've stated in previous years, as soon as Christmas is over, the Manufactures and big box stores do their best to clean off their shelves.  I tend to find my Holiday Barbies this time of year in the Clearance sections of each of the stores but I got lucky this year and found half off deals on

I don't know if any of you have noticed lately in your own towns but your local K-Mart may even be going out of business!  That's right, Sears Corporation decided to shut down several of their K-Mart stores and there could be one near you with a Going out of Business Sale!

Also be sure to check your local Facebook sale sections.  I've seen quite a few people selling their Barbies from a relative who passed away or for someone who just is not looking to hold onto them anymore.  Make sure you negotiate though on their price, don't ever be rude (there are a lot of people out there that make demands on other people to change their prices).  Some people just don't know what they have, or they think they're worth more than they are.  If you're polite, people are willing to work with you since they're just looking for a little extra holiday cash and to clear off their shelves.

Have a great day everyone and Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas!

Sunday, September 17, 2017

2017 Holiday Barbie is here!

I know it's been awhile and it's been out for a few months now, but the 2017 Holiday Barbie IS out and I just wanted to take some time to talk about her.

She is certainly unique, I was shocked to see how beautiful it was, and the beautiful decorative gold and red accented star just behind her head.

Usually the Holiday Barbies have a new design in dress, maybe their hair is done up special or their face is signature of their artist, but this year she looks like a whole new Holiday Barbie.  In fact, if it didn't say Holiday Barbie, I'd never think she was part of the series because she stands out from all of them.

There are 3 different versions of her this year, the classic Caucasian blonde, African American and Brunette Latino, also known as Teresa in some areas.

Lowest is going for $39.95 at Wal-Mart and Target and of coarse, K-Mart.  You can probably also find them at Toys R Us!

Enjoy the hunt for this collection piece!

Happy Holidays!

Monday, March 27, 2017

1998s are UP and 2009s are DOWN

I'm going to give it some time before I officially make some changes to the price listings but it seems the 1998 Holiday Barbies are making a bit of a combat for whatever reason, if I had to guess it's probably due to they're close to their 20 year anniversary.  On the up side though, the 2009 Holiday Barbies are going down.  I've found a few that people are only asking for $30 for a brand new in box Barbie, whereas it's usually one of the more expensive ones.

The 1998 Holiday Barbie is quite a surprise though, it was an over-saturated Barbie, though pretty, tanked the market along with the 1996 and 1997s... and so on up until around 2002 where the Market seemed to balance a bit more.  Seeing the asking prices becoming $100 to $200 for one of these is more, than high, it's a huge leap from the mere $20 people were asking for not even a few months ago.

So that being said, again I'll watch this for a little bit before I make any major changes as the market can jump around quite quickly, this might just be a fluke for right now, only time will tell.

As for the 2017 Holiday Barbies, still no word yet, which isn't surprisingly given that it's still only March.  We may not see any sign of the new designs until this Summer or just before the release date for that matter, Mattel does like to keep up the anticipation so something to look forward to in the coming months!!

Happy collecting everyone!